How to Find a Hospital Cancer Treatment Center
NOTE: These resources are generally not alternative or holistic in their approach and can be considered traditional or conventional treatment facilities. Increasingly, many now offer complementary treatment options as well.
http://www.accc-cancer.org/cancercenter/default.asp Website for the Association of Community Cancer Centers’ database searchable by state. ACCC Institution/Group Practice members include more than 650 medical centers, hospitals, oncology practices, and cancer programs across the United States. Together, this group of organizations sees more than 40 percent of all new cancer patients in the United States each year. In addition, many state oncology societies, physician groups, medical and radiation oncologists, and others associated with cancer care, have already chosen to become members.
http://www3.cancer.gov/cancercenters/centerslist.html The Cancer Centers Program of the NCI (National Cancer Institute) supports cancer research programs in approximately 60 institutions across the United States through P30 Cancer Center Support Grants. This is the link for their database, searchable by state.
http://www.cancercenter.com/patient-services/online-cancer-decide-guide.cfm The Cancer Treatment Centers of America (offering conventional and complementary treatment options) offers this excellent downloadable Decision Guide for finding the best doctor, hospital or clinic treatment center for you. Note that this is a more conventional or complementary orientation to treatment options, however it highlights the key principles to manage the cancer decision-making process and offers some very helpful tools, worksheets and methods for making comparisons between several options.