Cancer Organizations - Other
American Brain Tumor Association Asociación Americana sobre Tumores del Cerebro (800) 886-2282 2720 River Road, Suite 146, Des Plaines, IL 60018 www.abta.org The ABTA funds brain tumor research and provides information to help patients make educated decisions about their health care. The ABTA offers printed materials about the research and treatment of brain tumors, and provides listings of physicians, treatment facilities, and support groups throughout the country. A limited selection of Spanish-language publications is available.
Brain Tumor Society Sociedad de Tumores Cerebrales (800) 770-8287 124 Watertown Street, Suite 3H, Watertown, MA 02472 www.tbts.org The Brain Tumor Society provides information about brain tumors and related conditions for patients and their families. They offer a patient/family telephone network, educational publications, funding for research projects, and access to support groups for patients.
Children's Brain Tumor Foundation Fundación de Tumores Cerebrales Infantiles (866) 228-4673 274 Madison Avenue, Suite 1301, New York, NY 10016 www.cbtf.org The CBTF is a nonprofit organization that funds research and provides support, education, and advocacy for children with brain and spinal cord tumors and their families. It also provides educational materials (including a Spanish-language publication) and cosponsors conferences and seminars for families, survivors, and health care professionals that offer the latest information about research, treatments, and strategies for living. Through CBTF’s Parent-to-Parent Network, families share their experiences with others in similar situations.
National Brain Tumor Foundation Fundación Nacional de Tumores del Cerebro (800) 934-CURE (934-2873) 22 Battery Street, Suite 612, San Francisco, CA 94111-5520 www.braintumor.org The NBTF provides patients and their families with information on how to cope with their brain tumors. This organization conducts national and regional conferences, publishes printed materials for patients and family members, provides access to a national network of patient support groups, and assists in answering patient inquiries. The NBTF also awards grants to fund research. Staff are available to answer calls in Spanish, and some Spanish-language publications are available.
www.colorectal-cancer.net Colorectal cancer (which includes cancer of the colon, rectum, anus, and appendix) is the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the US. Site includes lots of links for prevention, treatment, support.
http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=DS00035 Booklet availabe on the Mayo Clinic website. Clear descriptions of symptoms, causes, risk factors, warning signs, screening, treatment, prevention, and coping skills related to colorectal cancer by the Mayo Clinic.
Eye Cancer Network http://www.eyecancer.com/ An educational website about the diagnosis and treatment of eye tumor patients. Find eye tumor doctors, eye tumor information, and support (for eye tumor patients and their families).
http://www.cancerlinksusa.com/stomach/index.asp Well-organized site of informative links about gastric cancer. The categories include general information, diagnosis, treatment, support, and related links.
Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC) Apoyo para las Personas con Cáncer Oral y de Cabeza y Cuello (800) 377-0928 P.O. Box 53, Locust Valley, NY 11560-0053 www.spohnc.org
The Oral Cancer Foundation http://www.oralcancerfoundation.org/ "The Oral Cancer Foundation is a national public service, non-profit entity designed to reduce suffering and save lives through prevention, education, research, advocacy, and support."
Cancer of the Larynx http://www.cancerlinksusa.com/larynx/index.htm Collection of authoritative links regarding vocal cord cancer, throat cancer, and laryngeal cancer. Includes general information, diagnosis, treatment, post-treatment, studies, support groups, and organizations.
Cancer of the Thyroid http://www.cancerlinksusa.com/thyroid/index.htm A collection of links regarding thyroid cancer. Includes general information, questions and answers, risk and screening, treatment, organizations, types of thyroid cancer, and support groups.
Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association http://www.thyca.org/ Created and maintained by thyroid cancer survivors, the site "maintains current information about thyroid cancer and support services available to people at any stage of testing, treatment, or lifelong monitoring for thyroid cancer, as well as their caregivers. This site also serves as a resource for anyone interested in thyroid cancer survivors' issues."
Kidney and Urology Foundation of America Fundación Americana de los Riñones y la Urología (800) 633-6628 1250 Broadway, Suite 2001, New York, NY 10001 www.kidneyurology.org
Kidney Cancer Association Asociación de Cáncer del Riñón (800) 850-9132 1234 Sherman Avenue, Suite 203, Evanston, IL 60202 www.curekidneycancer.org
Kidney Cancer Association http://www.kidneycancerassociation.org/ The organization of patients, families, doctors, and health professionals involved in kidney cancer.
National Kidney Foundation Fundación Nacional del Riñón (800) 622-9010 30 East 33rd Street, New York, NY 10016 www.kidney.org
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Sociedad Americana de la Leucemia (800) 955-4LSA (955-4572) 1311 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605 www.leukemia-lymphoma.org or www.lls.org
Lymphoma Research Foundation Fundación de Investigación sobre Linfoma (800) 500-9976 8800 Venice Boulevard, Suite 207 Los Angeles, CA 90034 www.lymphoma.org
Leukemia Research Fund http://www.lrf.org.uk/ A United Kingdom organization that strives to "improve treatments, find cures and prevent all forms of leukaemia and the related blood cancers including Hodgkin's disease and other lymphomas, myeloma, the myelodysplasias and aplastic anaemia." The site has online brochures for the general public as well as sections for researchers and health care professionals.
Granny Barb and Art's Leukemia Links http://www.acor.org/leukemia Comprehensive collection of Leukemia links arranged into the categories information, treatment, genetics, stories, and additional resources.
What You Need to Know About Hodgkins's Disease http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/wyntk/hodgkins This National Cancer Institute (NCI) booklet is intended to help people with Hodgkin's disease and their families and friends better understand this type of cancer. This booklet discusses symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. It also has information about resources and sources of support for people with Hodgkin's disease.
Liver Cancer Network http://www.livercancer.com/index.html The Liver Cancer Network's goal is "to provide liver cancer patients and their families with the basic knowledge needed to better communicate with their physicians and to give patients and families hope for the future."
What You Need to Know About Liver Cancer http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/wyntk/liver This National Cancer Institute (NCI) booklet has important information about cancer that begins in the liver. It discusses possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of liver cancer. It also has information to help patients cope with this disease.
American Lung Association Asociación Americana del Pulmón (800) 548-8252 3000 Kelly Lane, Springfield, IL 62711 www.lungusa.org
Mesothelioma information & Research Group http://www.mirg.org/ This site provides comprehensive information to victims and laypersons about treatments, clinical trials, etc., for Mesothelioma, aterminal cancer of the lung and abdomen.
Mesothelioma & Asbestos Cancer Resource Center www.asbestos.net
A comprehensive resource on asbestos-related diseases, including thousands of articles, many reviewed by oncologists. Some videos included. Free information packet offered.
A comprehensive resource on asbestos-related diseases, including thousands of articles, many reviewed by oncologists. Some videos included. Free information packet offered.
Mesolink.org www.mesolink.org Link to Mesolthelioma resources with free information packet available. News, treatment info, health & legal guide plus lots more.
Mesothelioma Center www.Asbestos.com With more than 3,000 pages of content, this site features information on asbestos, mesothelioma, and other cancers that are caused by asbestos exposure (lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, etc.).
International Myeloma Foundation Fundación Internacional del Mieloma (800) 452-CURE (452-2873) 12650 Riverside Drive, Suite 206, North Hollywood, CA 91607-3421 www.myeloma.org www.MyelomaInfo.org This page features information about myeloma, including incidence, symptoms, and treatment.
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Red de Acción del Cáncer del Páncreas (877) 272-6226 2221 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 131 El Segundo, CA 90245 www.pancan.org
Confronting Pancreatic Cancer http://www.pancreatica.org/ The purpose of this site is to serve as a worldwide focal and gathering point on the Internet for the latest news and disinterested information in regard to clinical trials and other responsible medical care in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Site includes an FAQ section, searchable clinical trials database, journal and newspaper articles, advocacy organizations, and a set of related links. "Our aim is to try and concentrate practical, impartial, understandable data about pancreatic cancer at this website, in such a way as to allow active patients, their caregivers and/or their physicians to sort through a large amount of information about pancreas cancer quickly."
What You Need to Know About Melanoma http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/wyntk/melanoma The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has written this booklet to help people with melanoma and their families and friends better understand this disease. We hope others will read it as well to learn more about melanoma. This booklet discusses risks and prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and followup care. It also has information about resources and sources of support to help patients cope with melanoma.